Division transfer

You are a member of a foreign country division and you would like to join the France division? Or you wish to quit our division to discover new horizons? Read carefully and follow the procedure indicated in this page.

Division transfer restrictions

A member may request a division transfer at any time (R&R M.3).

However, the division transfer is not a right and all transfers must be approved by the HQ of division where the member request to be transferred to. The HQ of the member's actual division is not asked to express its opinion on accepting of refusing the transfer. In all cases, the Membership HQ department is the only final responsible of the approval or the refusal of a division transfer.

Only one transfer is allowed over a period of 12 months.

In case a member has a pending practical exam, no division transfer request from this member is treated until the exam is validated or cancelled.

Before asking for a division transfer, it is wise that the member contact the division he/she wishes to join in order to get all relevant information regarding eventual restrictions.

Specific restriction in France division:

  • Members wishing to leave France division, for whatever reason, should consider their transfer as mostly permanent. A come back in France division is eventually possible but it is submitted to a deep evaluation from FR-HQ in order to avoid any abuse.
  • Members wishing to join France division must send their motivations to the FR-HQ. Any transfer request not consisting of reasonable motivations is refused. Finally, a transfert request will be evaluated only if the member speaks fluent French.

The FR-HQ has the right to refuse, without any justification, any transfer to the France division.

Transfer request  

All transfer requests must be send by mail as indicated below, for lack of which it is not treated. 

Attention: the mail address indicated in your IVAO profile must be used for all transfer requests, for lack of which they are rejected.

  • Main recipients: xx-hq@ivao.aero and yy-hq@ivao.aero (where "xx" is the 2-letter code of your current division and "yy" is the 2-letter code of the division you request to join. The 2-letter code of France division is "fr")
  • Recipient in copy (CC): members@ivao.aero (HQ Membership department)
  • Object of the mail: Division Change ID 123456 (where "123456" is your IVAO VID)
  • Text of the mail IN ENGLISH indicating the reasons of your request

This procedure is also available on the HQ forum.