Flight Operations department

Welcome to the Flight Operations (FO) department. Here you will discover who we are and what are our tasks within the France division.

The Flight Operations (FO) department is responsible of all activities related to flight operations and pilots.

In particular, we are in charge of:

  • developing and realising the pilot tours of the France division within General Air Traffic (GAT).
  • realising, validating and keeping updated all tools and helps needed by the pilots (flight plans, manuals and help pages,...).
  • realising and validating the flight plans or routes proposed during the events organised by the France division.

Given our responsibilities, we work in close collaboration with the FIR teams and with the Events department.

To contact us, only one adress : fr-flightops@ivao.aero 

For the pilot tours' questions in FR Division : tour@ivao.fr

Department staff

FR-FOC – France Flight Operations Coordinator
Benoît Vagnerfr-foc@ivao.aero
FR-FOAC – France Flight Operations Assistant Coordinator
Samuel Boudinfr-foac@ivao.aero
FR-FOA1 – France Flight Operations Advisor 1
Antoine Lebourgfr-foa1@ivao.aero