Special Operations Rules

The Special Operations (SO) within the France division take place according to the IVAO Rules and Regulations (R&R, section "Special Operations Department"). However, some rules specific to France division are also applicable in addition to R&R.

Regulatory framework and general

1- Regulatory framework

Special operations as described in this regulation are an integral part of the IVAO network.

For this, the IVAO HQ Special Operations Department has published a regulation that governs all activities, procedures, regulations related to special operations.

The France Division, in addition to the general rules of IVAO, has added additional rules to the HQ regulation.

These rules apply strictly and without distinction to all pilots and ATC operating in SO conditions, whether they belong to the France division or another division. It is also recalled that the general rules of IVAO apply in all cases. These rules are reviewed and approved by SO HQ.

Special activities do not only include military flights. A multitude of other activities are included under this label.

2 - General

2.1 - French division has chosen to publish a NOTAM regulating military flights simulating actual operations in progress or past outside the division. Some countries impacted indirectly will be subject to restrictions.

NOTAM for rule 2.1

2.2 - French division has chosen to restrict SO activities for pilots and ATC to members who VID is registered in French SO Order and French division website. Terms and conditions to be approved are listed in SO authorization part.

2.3 - French division has chosen to strictly restrict interception, questioning and escort of civilians or military aircraft to particular and defined events. Interceptions of non-responding pilot or civilian aircraft entering active military area in controlled airspace is also concerned by this regulation.

2.4 - For non-divisional members who want to perform SO activities in French division (pilot or ATC), they have to obtain an approval of French specialops department for temporary activities or obtain approval as French divisional member. 

For ATC activities, the member has to obtain a GCA in French division before any control session.

2.5 - SO Order remind all information concerning areas, ATC stations, additional rules and approved members list.

2.6 - All request made to the French SOD, must be done via email or vie decicated forms.

3 - AAR activities

3.1 - AAR sessions have to be performed in actives and dedicated areas only.

3.2 - AAR sessions performed outside event of French division, have to be validated by the French SOD before any publication on discord or else. Request have to be performed 72h minimum before the activities. French SOD keep the right to accept or not the activities following else of division activities or restriction.
Sessions made outside a publication don't have to be validated by the French SOD.

4 - Weapon utilisation

4.1 - French division has chosen to restrict weapon utilisation to the following dedicated areas: ZDT SUIPPES, ZDT CAPTIEUX and ZDT DIANE following hours of activation. Outside these areas, weapon utilisation is prohibited.

4.2 - Weapon utilisation against mobile target, aircraft or any element non-covered by fire range is prohibited.

5 - AWACS activities

5.1 - AWACS activities in French division are separate in two parts:

            - AWACS on OAT tracks. These tracks need activation of dedicated area as describe in ENR 5.7 p13.
            - AWACS on GAT tracks. These tracks don't needed area activation because they are not surrounded by an area. They can be used freely in accordance with ENR 5.7 p6 and present rules.

6 - Use of areas

6.1 - French division has chosen to not make the spontaneous activation of area by the ATC possible.

Areas can be actives only permanently or weekly. They can be active temporary by the publication of an information bulletin.

However, some ATC position when opened, automatically active areas as CTA or R. Concerned positions are Solenzara, Cazaux and Istres.

6.2 - French division has chosen for temporary areas activations to fill the dedicated form. Request have to be sent 72h minimum before the requested activation date and time. French SOD keep the right to accept or reject any request without any justification.
6.3 - Any flight or SO activities performed outside an active area will be considerate as non-regulatory and subject to a reminder at the concerned member or suspension in case of recidivism.

7 - Special Operation Groups (SOG)

7.1 - Members who want to create a SOG, have to satisfy all terms and conditions requested in SO instruction n°1 and be approved in French division.

8 - Events

- French division apply SO HQ rules.

9 - SO tour

- French division apply SO HQ rules.

10 - Additional rules

10.1 - Any flight performed with a jet fighter in current use or past use, jet fighter training aircraft or any jet fighter military or assimilated are considerate as falling under the specials operations rules in French division.
However, exceptions may exist concerning war birds and many civilians patrols as "patrouille Tranchant", Apache aviation, etc. These aircraft are exploited in general air traffic rules. That imply to respect GAT rules and speed restriction of 250kts under FL100.

10.2 - French division has chosen to apply speed and level restriction in OAT on IVAO network.
NOTAM rule 10.2
            10.2.1 - French division has chosen to restrict supersonics military flight to events planned by French SOD or on approval of French SOD on supersonic track S01, S02, S03 and S04 only. The request have to be made by email 72h before the flight. French SOD keep the right to accept or reject the request without any justification.
Any hazardous situation or abuse concerning speed limitation will be subject to a reminder to the concerned member or else if it's recurrent.

10.3 - Jet fighters and assimilated are not authorized to perform any evolution on civilian's airfield, but only on military airfield listed in the SO Order. And this, that the flight is performed under GAT or OAT.
                10.3.1 - Low pass, overflight and evolutions by aircraft in OAT or OAT/GAT for jet fighters are not allowed. The use of "STAY/civilian airfield" is not allowed for all military aircraft in OAT or GAT. This temporary rule follows many abuses of SO flights on civilian's airfield.
However, exceptions may exist concerning airport of Clermont-Ferrand LFLC, Cuers LFTF and Bordeaux Mérignac LFBD who be used by jet fighters because of the presence of military maintenance base, airbase or constructor as Dassault for example.

10.4 - When OAT flight is performed, a correct flight plan must be filed. Documentation (in French) is available here. For any questions, the French SOD stay available via email.

11 - Military aeronautical documentation

French military aeronautical information and documentation is available freely on DIRCAM website available in English.

  • MIAC1: is a collection of instrument procedure charts for state aircraft at civil aviation airfields. This document relates to instrument approach procedures for aircraft and helicopters.
  • MIAC2: is a compilation of instrumental procedures for state aircrafts on defense airfields - conventionnals procedures : aircrafts and helicopters et not conventionnals : helicopters.
  • MIAC4: is a compilation of instruments and visual paterns for military aircrafts and Combat and training aircrafts.

  • MIAM: military aeronautical information manual.
  • En route France: is a manual compiling the information contained in MILAIP and AIP FRANCE.
  • A vue: is a compilation of visual procedures for transport aircrafts and helicopters on all french airfields and airports


Listed below, all NOTAM and documentation in rules above.


Request form for area activation.

Special Operations Instruction No 1.


SO Authorization

1 - Obtain SO authorization

To obtain the SO authorization, members must meet the following conditions:

- Be rated at least FS3 and AS3.

 - Have at least 200 hours of connection to the network as ATC and/or pilot.

 - Have read, know, and accept specials operations rules and regulations on IVAO network and in French division.

 - Have basic knowledge of rules and operation of French operational air traffic and/or basic knowledge concerning desired activities.

 - Succeed to the entrance questionnaire and the interviews with SO staff.

 - For non-divisional members, have the basic knowledge of French language to be able to ensure radio communications.

For members not belonging to the French division approuved or not, have to follow the following diagram to perform flight in French airspace:

2 - Authorization removal

The authorization can be removed at any time and without any justification following the differents levels in the table below.

Below sanction level 4, any sanction history will not be taken into account if the rules are respected for 12 months.