Continental Online Day - Americas

It's time to see bigger, to watch on the other side of the Atlantic, to visit… America !

Yo Ho Seamen and Airmen, we are heading to the West, to discover the New Continent, set under the spotlights during one evening: on 7th March 2021 we are joining our American neighbours to enjoy the Continental Online Day - Americas. Join the party by controlling La Guyane, Martinique or even the Guadeloupe. More fancy flying? Sure thing! Get familiarised with the FAA's rules flying to the USA, take pictures over the Bahamas, or enjoy Brasil. Most of all, enjoy a marvellous night with full ATC service around!

All good? join us, 7th March, from 16:00UTC and until dawn (okay, just calm down, until 01:00UTC) and be sure to be part of it for the peak between 19:00UTC and 22:00UTC.

Dear ATCs, feel free to book France Division owned positions (find the list here) via the IVAO booking system.

Event rules

Pilots, report your flight to get a point for the HQ Event Pilot Award      for all flights booked from the dedicated website and actually flown durong the event time frame.

Report your connection here