Your passwords have been reset

1 - What happened ?

Your passwords have been reset by IVAO HQ, therefore you cannot connect to the network again. Your old passwords cannot be used again. 

2 - How can I get my new passwords ?

In order to get your new passwords, you need to fill this form with your VID :

Your new passwords will be sent to the mail address present on your IVAO profile. When you get them, you will have acces to :

  • The website, with the Website password,
  • The IVAO Network, with pilot and ATC softwares, with the IVAN password.

3 - What can I do if I still have no access ?

If this article did not help you to regain access to the network, you can contact us by mail :

Do not forget your passwords are confidential : you should never give your password when you contact the Staff.