
Do you want to test your flying and ATC skills and get a new rating ? You will find here all procedures to pass the pilot and ATC exams in our division.

Due to the amount of requests, the delay before an attribution to an examiner is approximatively three weeks. After an is designated, you will be contacted to plan your activity. We apologize for the delay and thank you for your patience.

Training Department will be on vacations from July 15th to August 15th (included). This implies that :

  • we will refuse all exam, training or ATC School requests submitted within these dates ;
  • answers to mails may be delayed.

Prerequisite before any exam request

  • Check that the email address your registered on IVAO is valid and working. The examiners will only use this email address to contact you and determine with you the practical aspects of your exam.
  • Practical and theoretical exam requests are done the same way : check your exam status. Please indicate in the exam request comments any information you will find useful (availabilities, etc) as long as it remains in accordance with the exam regulations.
  • Every member who requests an exam must be available to perform it during the next 3 weeks. Else, the exam will be cancelled. No exam will be scheduled the same day or the day after the day of the exam request. In case of incompatibility between the examinee and the examiner in order to arrange a date, another examiner may be assigned.
  • 24 hours are necessary between your request and the examiner assignment. Then, more time may be necessary in order for your examiner to contact you. Your exam will be automatically assigned to one of the examiners (DIR, ADIR, TC, TAC and TAx) who will determine with you the practical aspects.
  • We remind you that all the examiners are voluntary, spending their free time on the network and are not paid by IVAO in any ways. Therefore, they expect some courtesy from the candidates.
  • The candidate must possess the basics in radio communications in French and English. If you are unable to transmit or receive with Teamspeak 2, please contact the IVAO HQ Training Department before requesting the exam.
  • If an exam is not performed within one month, it can be cancelled by IVAO France Training Department or IVAO HQ Training Department. The resulting assessment is performed by the IVAO HQ Training Department. The confirmation of the outcome will be sent to the candidate by email.
  • Any attempts to cheat on a practical exam with somebody's help or not will be evaluated 0/100 and will result in an exam suspension for a period up to 1 year, on discretion of the Training Staff.

Pilot Exam 

  • Before any request, it is required to be online as "Pilot" at least once during the month (or four weeks) preceding the request.
  • Practical exams for pilots are scheduled during daytime or in the evening, depending on examiner's availability.
  • The duration of a pilot exam is generally between 2 and 3 hours, depending on the level of the exam and the difficulties that you may encounter.

Any pilot exam request will lead to your active pilot training being cancelled.

FS3 qualification 

  • You must be FS2, have passed the Altitude theory test (in English) and have completed 25 hours of online flying.

PP Exam  

  • The goal of the PP exam is to assess your theoretical and practical skills concerning VFR flying.
  • It must be done using a light single piston engine aircraft such as C172, DR400, Piper PA28, Mooney M20 or equivalent.
  • The flight will be performed between two airfields which are 20 miles apart at least. This choice is only up to the examiner and will be communicated some days before the exam.

All the details of the PP exam can be found in the briefing that is to be carefully read before taking the exam:

SPP Exam  

  • The goal of the SPP exam is to assess your theoretical and practical skills concerning basic IFR flying.
  • It must be done using a light or medium, piston or tuboprop, twin-engine aircraft such as Baron 58, Beech King Air 200, Beech 1900 or equivalent.
  • The flight will be performed between two airfields which are 50 miles apart at least. This choice is only up to the examiner and will be communicated some days before the exam.

All the details of the SPP exam can be found in the briefing that is to be carefully read before taking the exam: 

CP Exam  

  • The goal of the CP exam is to assess your theoretical and practical skills concerning advanced IFR flying.
  • It must be done using a medium twin-engine jet aircraft such as Airbus A320, Boeing B737, Embraer E-Jet, Fokker 100 or equivalent.
  • The flight will be performed between two airfields which are 50 miles apart at least. This choice is only up to the examiner and will be communicated some days before the exam.

All the details of the CP exam can be found in the briefing that is to be carefully read before taking the exam: 

ATC Exams

  • ATC practical exams are exclusively scheduled during the evening (beginning of the exam at 9pm, French Metropolitan local time) from monday to friday, exceptionally on saturday, and it is required to broadcast on specific supports (forum, mailing-lists...).
  • Please note that IVAC1 and AURORA are the only authorized software during ATC exams.

Any ATC exam request will lead to your active ATC training being cancelled, and your registration to ATC School being revoked.

AS3 qualification 

  • You must be an AS2, have passed the Aurora theory test (in English) and passed the 25-hour online test.

ADC Exam  

  • The goal of the ADC exam is to assess your theoretical and practical skills concerning the handling of a Tower position (TWR).
  • You must have at least 8 hours of ATC connection on the requested ATC position during the month before the exam request

These hours must be done on the exam position (LFXX_TWR). Hours done as _APP, _GND, _OBS... are not taken into account.

  • The GND position cannot be handled by another ATC during an ADC exam.
  • The APP position has to be manned during the exam by another ATC.

All the details of the ADC exam can be found in the briefing that is to be carefully read before taking the exam: 

You can take your ADC exam on the following airports:

Bordeaux FIR (LFBB)
Brest FIR (LFRR)
Marseille FIR (LFMM)
Paris FIR (LFFF)
Reims FIR (LFEE)
  • For airports put in brackets, the particular takeoff/landing ruway setting makes it harder to succeed and the examinee takes full responsibility as the examiner will not take it into account for the assessment and marking of the exam.
  • For unlisted airports or overseas airfields, please contact IVAO France Training Staff.

The ADC exam cannot be taken on:

  • LFPO and LFPG (IFR airports in A airspace)
  • Military airports and airfields closed to public air traffic (written on charts)
  • VFR airports without any IFR procedures
  • Airports in another division

APC Exam  

  • The goal of the APC exam is to assess your theoretical and practical skills concerning the handling of an Approach position (APP).
  • You must have at least 8 hours of ATC connection on the requested ATC position during the month before the exam request

These hours must be done on the exam position (LFXX_APP). Hours done as _CTR, _GND, _TWR... are not taken into account. 

  • The DEP position cannot be handled by another ATC during an APC exam.
  • The CTR position has to be manned during the exam by another ATC.

All the details of the APC exam can be found in the briefing that is to be carefully read before taking the exam: 

You can take your APC exam on the following airports:

Bordeaux FIR (LFBB)
Brest FIR (LFRR)
Marseille FIR (LFMM)
Paris FIR (LFFF)
Reims FIR (LFEE)
  • For unlisted airports or overseas airfields, please contact IVAO France Training Staff.

The APC exam cannot be taken on:

  • Military airports and airfields closed to public air traffic (written on charts)
  • VFR airports without any IFR procedures
  • Airports without SID and/or STAR
  • Airports in another division

ACC Exam  

  • The goal of the ACC exam is to assess your theoretical and practical skills concerning the handling of an Enroute Control position (CTR).
  • You must have at least 8 hours of ATC connection on the requested ATC position during the month before the exam request

These hours must be done on the exam position (LFXX_CTR). Hours done as _APP, _TWR, _GND... are not taken into account.

  • One APP position has to be manned during the exam by another ATC.

All the details of the ACC exam can be found in the briefing that is to be carefully read before taking the exam: 

You can take your ACC exam on the following positions:

Bordeaux FIR (LFBB)
Brest FIR (LFRR)
Marseille FIR (LFMM)
Paris FIR (LFFF)
Reims FIR (LFEE)
  • Overseas FIR are not concerned for this exam.


For any question you may have, feel free to contact the Training Department: training@ivao.fr