Pilot and ATC trainings

Do you want to improve your flying or ATC skills, assess your knowledge or prepare an exam? You will find here all procedures to take benefit of the pilot and ATC training sessions in our division.

Due to the amount of requests, the delay before an attribution to a trainer is approximatively one month. After a trainer is designated, you will be contacted to plan your activity. We apologize for the delay and thank you for your patience.

Training Department will be on vacations from July 15th to August 15th (included). This implies that :

  • we will refuse all exam, training or ATC School requests submitted within these dates ;
  • answers to mails may be delayed.

The Training Department is available to provide you with trainings, answers to your questions and advice about the aviation simulation.

Terms to request a training

  • Check that the email address you provided on this website is correct and working as trainers will solely use this email address to contact you and set the framework for your training.
  • It is demanded from all trainees to be reasonably available during the two months following their training requests.
  • We remind everyone that trainers are providing the community on their own free time as volunteer and are not entitled to any kind of compensation by IVAO. Therefore, they aspire to a minimum of courtesy from trainees.
  • Students who are registered to the ATC School cannot request ATC training as long as their cursus is not finished.
  • It is more than recommended to provide in your training request the details about your availability and any aspects you deem useful for the trainer to know.
  • A minimum of 15 days is to be observed after a failed exam before any training request dealing with the same level of examination. This is set in order to let the trainee reflect on his performance and on the examiner's debriefing, including his advice.
  • A minimum of 2 months is to be observed after a successful exam before any training request regarding an higher rating.
  • The Training Department has the right to refuse any training request from a member in exceptional situations such as behavioural issue and R&R infringement. This particular decision is valid for at least 6 months.

Pilot Training

  • For a pilot training, it is required beforehand to master IVAp use and your simulator interface.
  • Depending on your trainer's availability, your training may be scheduled throughout the day from morning to evening.
  • The division will not provide any training for ATP rating.
  • Please find below the list of courses for pilots:
SubjectTheoretical PartPractical PartRequirementsRating
Pilot Regulations 
o Airspace classes
o Radiocommunication
o Rules of the air
o Altimetry
o Minimum heights
o R, P and D areas
o Flightplan filing , VFR and IFR
Aircraft knowledge

o Weights
o V-speeds
o Limitations
o Instruments
o Equipements

This training is about the general aspects of these notions and is NOT a tutorial on a certain add-on.


VFR flight briefing

o Weather analysis (METAR/TAF/SIGWX)
o Charts analysis, departure strategy, arrival strategy.
o Route review using 1:500k chart
o P, R, D areas
o Performances
o Weights and balance
o Fuel computation
o Flightplan filling 

Aircraft handling and traffic patterns 
o Flight controls and engine parameters
o Takeoff
o In-flight handling
o Arrival procedures
o Traffic patterns
o Landing
o Takeoff
o Level-off
o Climb, descent, turns
o Traffic patterns
Landing, touch-and-go, go-around
VFR Navigation
o Departure procedure
Cruise parameters
o Navigation log
o Navigation techniques, mental calculus
o Wind corrections
o Descent planning
o Departure
o Cruise phase
o Navigation using landmarks, dead-reckoning, trailing, radio-aids
o Wind computations
o Arrival procedure
o Landing
Helicopter - Theoretical part
o Lift/drag (refresh)
o Torques
o Rotor
o Flight controls
o Engine parameters and power control
o Ground effect
Helicopter - Practical part
o Basic knowledges (refresh)
o Start up and aircraft preparation
o Hover maneuver
o T/O & landing (standard)
o Patterns
o T/O & landing (confined area)
o Twin engine process
IFR flight briefing 
o Weather analysis
o IFR charts analysis + SID/STAR interpretation
o Approach analysis + minima
o Route planning + CFMU validation + safety altitudes
o Performances
o Fuel computations
o Weights and balance
o Holding procedures
o RNAV aspects
Basic IFR flight 
ILS approach + go-around
o VOR radial 
o NDB radial
o Navigation setup

Yes :

You shall use a light (L) or medium (M) aircraft equipped with one or more reciprocating engine(s) or turboprop (C172, BE58, B200, etc.)

Jet aircraft are not authorized

Advanced IFR flight
o DME arc
o VOR approach
o NDB approach
o RNAV approach
o Holdings + Entries
o Procedural turns analysis: 45/180, base turn, racetrack
o Low-visibility procedures
o Multiple approaches
o Holdings
o DME arc
Mock exam PP
PP theoretical knowledge

o FS3

o PP theoretical exam

Mock exam SPP
SPP theoretical knowledge Yes

o PP

o SPP theoretical exam

Mock exam CP
CP theoretical knowledgeYes


o CP theoretical knowledge


ATC Training

  • The trainer will observe an ATC session performed by the trainee on the desired training position. The goal is not to generate huge amount of traffic, but to make the trainee improving his level on specific items.
  • ATC trainings are exclusively scheduled on evenings, from monday to saturday (starting at 9:00pm local time), on sundays on trainer’s discretion, on any approved positions (list of such positions is to be found on the Division’s website, Exams page, under ATC Exams section).
  • The list of courses is available below and suggests what may be the most adapted to you depending on your interests.
  • The theoretical part is to be considered as the basics that may be learnt. However, your trainer may be able to answer to your questions beyond that knowledge as long as the subject remaind within the boundaries of your training (no approach-related knowledge on tower position).
  • It's not possible to request an ATC training if a registration or training path inside ATC School is in progress.
  • The division will not provide any training for SEC rating.
  • Please find below the list of courses for ATC:
SubjectTheoretical partPractical partRequirementsRating
LFPG/LFPO management training
o IFR Charts
o Specifications of the airfield
YesN/APosition’s FRA  
Basic approach trainingo Airspace classes
o ATC service / Radar service
o IFR approach procedures and charts
o Minimum altitudes (MRVA, MSA, MEA)
o Approach phraseology FR & EN
o Weather (METAR + TAF)
Yeso Theoretical knowledge regarding Tower position is known 
Position’s FRA

Advanced approach trainingo Wake turbulence
o Approach regulations (heading, altitude, speed)
o Emergency handling
o Weather (METAR+TAF)

Yes and/or HAL*

o Basic approach theoretical knowledge is known
o At least 8 hours of ATC connection on the requested ATC position during the month before the training request
Position’s FRA
En-route control trainingo Navigation / IFR routes
o En-route charts
o En-route holds
o En-route traffic management and TMAs pre-regulations
o Emergency handling
o ACC phraseology FR & EN
o Weather (METAR + TAF + WINTEM + SIGWX)
Yeso Theoretical knowledge regarding Approach position is known
Position’s FRA
ADC mock examo Assessment through several questions
o AS3
o ADC theoretical exam
o At least 8 hours of ATC connection on the requested ATC position during the month before the training request
o No mock exam or failed exam in the preceding 4 weeks
APC mock exam o Assessment through several questionsYeso ADC
o APC theoretical exam
o At least 8 hours of ATC connection on the requested ATC position during the month before the training request
o No mock exam or failed exam in the preceding 4 weeks
ACC mock exam o Assessment through several questionsYeso APC
o ACC theoretical exam
o At least 8 hours of ATC connection on the requested ATC position during the month before the training request
o No mock exam or failed exam in the preceding 4 weeks

 * HAL Training: This kind of training is only available to practice skills required by the APC rating on approach positions. It is done using a specific training server allowing the creation of fictitious traffic. The previous rules apply. Depending on the trainer's availability, it may be scheduled throughout the day. Performing HAL training is solely possible to trainers which have been through a specific course. Not all the trainers are qualified to provide HAL training and therefore it may take a longer time to be assigned a trainer when requesting such training compared to other courses. 

Update : The tool of training HAL is being migrated on a new version and is not operational to plan modules at present. Of this fact the requests of training: Advanced approach training HAL are suspended for the moment. 

Request a training

  • A trainer will contact you to schedule the training after checking your prerequisites.
  • For any question, please get in touch with us using the following email address: training@ivao.fr